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RESPACE Scenario Report

Explore the RESPACE scenarios! Click here to find four thought-provoking stories of what future global collaboration for sustainable peace could look like.

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Management Report 2023

In 2023, Conducive Space for Peace was primarily focused on finishing and kick-starting our new strategy, launching the RESPACE initiative as well as Innovators Hive, publishing reports, for example, on Innovative Practices to change the international system to better enable local leadership, and facilitating workshops, in Denmark and internationally, for change agents within international NGOs to share and learn about systems change, local leadership, and decolonising aid. Primary funders of CSPs activities in 2023 were Humanity United, Porticus, and Robert Bosch Foundation.

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Årsberetning 2023

I 2023 havde vi i Conducive Space for Peace fokus på at færdiggøre arbejdet med udvikling af en ny strategi, opstart af RESPACE initiativet, lancering af Innovators Hive, publicering af vores rapporter om  Innovative Practices og Country-Based Systems Change samt facilitering af workshops, i Danmark og internationalt, omkring systemforandringer,  Local Leadership og Decolonising Aid. Finansiering af CSPs systemforandringsinitiativer var primært fra Humanity United, Porticus og Robert Bosch Foundation.

Strategy Extended

Strategic Framework 2024 – 2026 – Extended Version

The strategic framework (2024–2026) guides and informs how CSP will work to influence systems change in the peacebuilding and broader aid infrastructure over the next three years. In particular, it outlines how we can collectively move beyond piecemeal innovations that address systemic dysfunctions and towards a more radical shift in who holds the power to drive change and set the conditions within which these changes can happen. This requires a radical rethink and greater focus on developing future infrastructures and spaces that are more relevant and equitable for collaborating on peacebuilding locally and globally.

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Strategic Framework 2024 – 2026

The strategic framework (2024–2026) guides and informs how CSP will work to influence systems change in the peacebuilding and broader aid infrastructure over the next three years. In particular, it outlines how we can collectively move beyond piecemeal innovations that address systemic dysfunctions and towards a more radical shift in who holds the power to drive change and set the conditions within which these changes can happen. This requires a radical rethink and greater focus on developing future infrastructures and spaces that are more relevant and equitable for collaborating on peacebuilding locally and globally.